Are Weighted Vests Worth It? The Quickest Route to Results

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If you’re motivated enough to workout, then you want the best possible results. And if you’re scouring the internet for ideas on how to improve your workout, there’s a simple way to instantly boost the intensity of any form of exercise and achieve better, faster results. 

Wear a weighted vest.

The ZFOsports Weighted Vest

Weighted vests are worn on your torso and loaded with weight to add extra resistance to your workout. Resistance is the central concept behind any form of exercise, it’s what your muscles are working against. Not only during strength training, it applies to cardio too. When you’re out for a run, your legs are working against the resistance of gravity to move you along. If there was no resistance, it wouldn’t require any effort to perform. More resistance requires more effort. More effort produces better results. Click To Tweet

Using a weighted vest in your routine allows you to add and adjust the resistance as needed. Additional weight adds a noticeable challenge to any form of exercise and greatly increases your overall calorie burn. That sounds great and all, but will a weighted vest really improve the efficiency of your workout significantly enough to provide the type of results you’re looking for? Are weighted vests worth it?

Related Reading: How To Choose The Right Weighted Vest

What Do Weighted Vests Do?

Wearing a weighted vest is simply a method of adding extra weight to your body. The added resistance requires your heart, lungs, and muscles to work harder which leads to a more efficient workout. In short, wearing a weighted vest makes your workout more effective.

One major advantage of a weighted vest is versatility. Some vests, such as the RUNFast Weighted Vest, are fully adjustable, meaning you can add or remove weight from the vest to suit your needs. This means they can be used to train for an event, help you burn fat and lose weight, or to pack on lean muscle mass. Whatever your goal is, a weighted vest can help you get there faster.

They’re the perfect complement to bodyweight exercises as they allow you to use progressive overload – the foundation of any muscle building program – and continuously add more weight to the vest as you get bigger and stronger.

Wearing a weight vest while performing any type of cardio is going to instantly boost your calorie burn. The additional weight will require your body to exert more effort, increasing your heart rate, improving your cardiovascular system, and skyrocketing your metabolism.

Are Weighted Vests Worth It: Benefits of Training with a Weighted Vest

There are always naysayers and there are always pessimists. Some people might tell you that a weight vest is a waste of money, and some might even tell you it will actually reduce your performance and results. Their argument is that adding extra weight to your body will hamper your ability to push through your workout – you won’t be able to go all out.

Isn’t that extra challenge exactly what you’re looking for?

Embrace the added intensity – that’s just what’s going to help you break through that plateau or burn off those last few pounds. There’s no denying the fact that continually challenging your body in new and more difficult ways will ultimately force it to adapt and change.

Recent studies even suggest that simply wearing a weighted vest alone – without any added exercise – reduces body weight and fat mass.

Weight vests offer plenty of benefits, including the following:

  • Increases Endurance and Strength

When you carry extra weight while working out, your body is forced to adapt (the ultimate goal of any form of exercise). Your muscles have to work harder to move the weight, your muscles then require more oxygen, your heart and lungs have to supply the oxygen – You’re forcing your body to perform at a higher level. Wearing a weighted vest is a great way to improve your strength and endurance by training your body to perform with extra resistance. If you can run a 5k wearing an additional 10 or 20lbs on your body, how far could you run without it?

  • Allows for Variation

If you’re here, you’re probably familiar with the term “workout plateau.” You no longer see positive results even though you’re consistent with your workouts. A successful exercise program requires you to continually challenge your body in different ways, and weighted vests serve as a great tool for variation. They can be used during bodyweight exercises like push-ups, pull-ups, squats and lunges or almost any type of cardio – running, interval training, even kick-boxing. If yoga is your thing, adding additional weight to your body during your routine will increase stamina, strengthen your core, and improve your balance.

  • Improves Cardiovascular Health

The Aduro Sport Weight Vest

With the added challenge and resistance from the extra weight in the vest, your lungs are getting their exercise as well. For most people, the point of cardio is to burn calories to lose weight. But it also improves your cardiovascular system (hence the name). Cardio gets your heart rate up, works your lungs, and kicks your metabolism into overdrive. Adding resistance to your cardio workout with a weighted vest only enhances the effect.

The Aduro Sport Vest is made of soft, neoprene material, has reflective striping on the front and back, and even has a pocket for your phone. It’s the perfect vest for running and cardio.

  • Increases Muscle and Bone Density

Wearing a weighted vest not only makes your muscles stronger, but it also helps stimulate cells to produce new bone material. Resistance training stimulates your entire musculoskeletal system resulting in not only bigger, stronger muscles, but increased bone mass, and stronger ligaments and tendons as well. Not only will muscle size increase, your entire body will become stronger and healthier.

  • Boosts Fat Burn

When it comes to fast and efficient fat loss, intensity is a key factor. High-intensity resistance based workouts are the most efficient and quickest way to burn fat and build muscle. Click To Tweet A good example of this is what’s known as HIIT – High Intensity Interval Training. If you like going all-out and standing in a puddle of your own sweat after your workout, interval training is for you. HIIT involves short bursts of high intensity work like sprinting or jumping followed by longer periods of “active rest” like jogging in place. You alternate between the two for a specific number of rounds. This can be very challenging at first, but once you can perform a few rounds easily, it’s time to step it up.

The Strength Sport Systems Weighted Vest

Performing a HIIT workout wearing a weighted vest is one of the most effective fat burning exercises you can do and will produce dramatic results. 

The Strength Sport Systems Weight Vest is built for the hardcore fitness enthusiast. If you’re looking to melt fat off your body as fast as possible, pick this vest up and start your HIIT program today.

Related Reading: Best Weight Vests for Men / for Women

Things to Keep In Mind When Using a Weighted Vest

It’s clear that wearing a weighted vest has plenty of benefits to offer. But it’s also important to consider if you’re ready. If you’re completely new to working out, start slow. Adding too much weight to your workout too fast will only result in injury. Don’t let your ego get in the way of your goals.

Consider what you plan to use the vest for. Some are specifically made for running and other cardio, and some are geared more towards weight training. Make sure that the vest supports the amount of weight you want to add. If using the vest for cardio, look for waterproof and sweat-wicking materials.

The Verdict is In

So are weighted vests worth it? It definitely offers you a lot of value. It’s a versatile and effective piece of equipment that can assist you in reaching just about any fitness goal.

If you want to build muscle and your routine involves a lot of bodyweight exercises, the weight vest can be very beneficial by allowing you to add extra weight to pull-ups, push-ups, lunges, etc. If you’re looking to lose weight, the vest is absolutely recommended. When used properly, you’ll see fast and significant fat-loss.

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